3 months ago7 minutes
Altered is coming to PAX Unplugged!
Come and play Altered at PAX Unplugged in Philadelphia on December 6-8, discover exciting and unique ways play and meet with our special guests!
3 months ago6 minutes
Carnelian Crown
Subhash exhales loudly and slams his mug down on the table, making the wood creak and the utensils clatter. He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand before hailing the waitress to bring him another pint.
3 months ago5 minutes
The Paramours of Seki
When it comes to tragic love, the story that most easily comes to the minds of the Asgarthans is that of Nittaya Vorona and Acantha Shah, also known as the Paramours of Seki.
4 months ago7 minutes
Mise en Abyss
The truth. It was never singular, always plural. Only by comparing all the truths together could one come close to a semblance of certainty... But the closer it seemed to be within reach, the more it slipped away, like a mirage that can never be attained. Those who claimed otherwise were either fools or zealots.
4 months ago5 minutes
The Three Factions War
Already ravaged by the Severance War, the third century ends in the bloody twilight of a new conflict, called the Three Factions War. For many years, three of the five existing Factions engaged in a fierce struggle for influence within the corridors of the Asterion. What began as mere political maneuvers turned into open warfare among the rivals.
Open Altered Angers 2024 – Tournament Review
Initially planned as a 128-player side event in Angers, France, the Altered Open welcomed 1024 players on Sunday, October 6th. Here is a detailed report of the event.
4 months ago6 minutes
As she exhales, a plume of vapor escapes her mouth and drifts into the air, carried away by a biting wind. The sky holds the colors of a storm. Dark, rumbling clouds gather beyond the snow-covered peaks, as if furious to see them reclaim the fortress of Cebir.
4 months ago4 minutes
The Severance War
The beginning of the third century was marked by the gradual rise of the Governors, who were tasked with developing Asgartha’s Provinces, as they were granted near full regional powers. This key role allowed them to amass wealth and influence, to the point where they eventually challenged the authority of the Basileus. As infrastructures and cities developed and regional economies grew, so did their personal ambitions.
Trial by Frost Preview
Get a first look at what awaits you in Trial by Frost, Altered’s first extension coming to your local game store on January 31, 2025.
5 months ago7 minutes
Until the Latter Fire Shall Heat the Deep
It is coming. In a deluge of churning waves, the water of the bay dips and collapses, while a hissing swell rises around the edge of the funnel. In the center, a roaring vortex is forming, like a furious spiral, an open mouth into the abyss. The wind has changed, carrying a scent of ozone, as a thin drizzle begins to fall. Descending from the grassy dunes battered by stinging gusts, the infantry of the Aegis begins its maneuvers, divided into four carefully ordered battalions.
5 months ago5 minutes
Meet the Community #20 : Silence
After a long break from collectible card games, during which I explored other passions, I started looking for a new game to get back into earlier this year. None of them convinced me until February 1st, when I discovered Altered during a stream by Les Joueurs du Dimanche with Maxildan, Rofellos, and Marie Grand-jeux.
Far, far beneath in the abysmal sea
It was a summer afternoon. Pollen drifted through the air, while in the fields, sickles and scythes fell on the wheat heads. Not far from the mill, flails threshed the grain, as the sweet song of the winnowers echoed. Idle children played in the straw, laughing loudly, while forks and hooks piled up bundles of hay in the barns.
5 months ago8 minutes
Altered on Board Game Arena available now!
Play Altered online with your friends on Board Game Arena
Meet the Community #19 : Saphire
I was first introduced to Altered back in September 2023 when Thalia and Eric drove over to The Netherlands to introduce Altered to the Dutch retailers. Beforehand me and two others were given the presentation + learn to play as preparation so we could present and demo the game during the roadshow that would follow.
The brass band marches down the jam-packed street, while trumpets and sousaphones echo, cymbals clash, and drums bang in joyful chaos. Nev looks around at the crowd following the parade or bustling around the various stalls.
The Formats of Altered – Multiplayer
Play with a teammate or face your opponents on your own with Altered fun Multiplayer modes : 2v2 and Free for All.
5 months ago3 minutes
The Altered Comprehensive Rules are available
The Comprehensive Rules is the most complete document regarding the rules of Altered. You can download them now for any personal use or needs in competitive settings.
The Nifir
For nearly three-quarters of a century, the Nifir had regularly plagued the Asgarthan population. Brought back from the salt mines of the island of Suspira, this unknown disease spread like an ink stain across the rest of the Peninsula.
Update on our Digital Roadmap – August
As the release of Altered approaches, we take stock of the features we're working on and those still to come.
5 months ago4 minutes
Launch Events: celebrate Altered’s release!
Join an Altered Launch Event in your local game store from September 13 to September 15 and celebrate Altered’s release day!
How to run Altered Organized Play events in your store?
Build your Altered community and get players involved in your store through our Organized Play program!
Organizing Altered events with Toornament
Looking for a way to manage rounds and player results for your Altered events? Here is our guide to help use the Toornament platform, a tool that is both free to use and easy to grasp.
5 months ago10 minutes
Organized Play, Season 1 (Updated September 3)
Everything you need to know about Season One of Altered, complete with seasonal rewards, promo boosters, and special events.
The Torment
Seventy years after its founding, Asgartha faced dark times that nearly led to the fall of humanity's cradle. In 42 AC, Cwaith had succeeded Rune, and Ayxas was poised to take over after the High Queen, whose reign had lasted nearly twenty-eight years. Under the influence of the Kuningatar, the living conditions of the Asgarthans had greatly improved.
6 months ago5 minutes
Patch Notes 1.0.4 – Companion App: New BETA Version 1.0.4 Available!
A new version of our Companion App is available for iOS and Android, addressing connection and disconnection issues as well as other improvements.
6 months ago4 minutes
Noblesse Oblige
The descendants of the Rune Knights have benefited from the aura of their illustrious ancestors. As a result, these ancient families have, over time, become the aristocratic class of Asgartha. The ruun-Heshkari, ruun-Caellach, and other ruun-Tighe Houses have always been closely associated with power, regardless of the ruling regime or political system of the time.
Meet the Community #18 : Narine & Kapuchon
I discovered the game in late December - early January through an ad on a social network. I found the art direction beautiful, but I didn't linger on it much. One day, the local LGS organized an Altered demo session.
6 months ago8 minutes
The Guild Master nervously taps the table with his fingers. Around him, the other members of the Guild Assembly chatter and shout in a deafening uproar. On one side, supporters of the Basileus shake their heads, outraged. On the other side, his opponents boo and yell, pounding their fists or feet to drown the amphitheater in the most irritating racket.
6 months ago3 miutes
The Vanishing
Even now, it remains one of the most enigmatic mysteries in the history of Asgartha. After over forty years of reign, Rune, the first High King of Asgartha, vanished without a trace, as if by magic. His quarters were found empty, his rooms abandoned.
6 months ago6 minutes
Introducing the Musubi Program: Celebrating Our Community Heroes
Each year, The Musubi Program will reward 12 members from the community as a thank you for their exceptional contributions. Today we tell you more about this initiative.
6 months ago3 minutes
Hotfix #2 – Foil cards free foilers & Unique cards public display
A few important fixes on the management of foils and the display of unique cards.
The leaves rain around me like a rosy cloud falling from the canopy. I watch them dance, collide, and resume their indolent waltz before settling on the mossy ground. I pick one up and observe the whitish veins running across its surface.
Organized Play
Learn all about the organized play program for Altered, including type of events, rewards, and how to get started playing!
7 months ago3 minutes
The Formats of Altered
Discover the many ways to play Altered: Standard, Multiplayer, Booster Draft or Sealed Deck, each format has its own rules so find out which one you like best!
7 months ago5 minutes
The Formats of Altered – Sealed Deck
Sealed Deck is a fun Altered format where you open booster packs and build your deck with the cards you opened. Play and grow your collection at the same time!
The Formats of Altered – Booster Draft
Booster Draft is a strategic Altered format where you pick your cards one by one to build your deck, along with 7 other players.