about 18 hours ago6 minutes
Twin Suns
I insert the hefty cartridge into the flare gun and snap it shut with a flick of my wrist. Raising my arm, I fire toward the sky as the scent of gunpowder spreads through the air.
2 days ago4 minutes
Meet the Community #24 : Justin
I’ve been a lover of TCGs since 1998, and have played nonstop for over 25 years. After working with a huge TCG retailer for 10 years, I wanted to move over to the designing and publishing side of the industry.
7 days ago9 minutes
Trial by Frost Season Patch
With the release of Trial by Frost, we want to talk about the state of the game and introduce an update schedule, starting with several adjustments to cards from the current sets.
8 days ago5 minutes
The Winter Folk
The harshness of the local climate may pose a challenge for us, beings accustomed to gentler and more forgiving biotopes, but many forms of life or sentient entities have, on the contrary, thrived under this relentless rigor.
Explore the Unexpected
Play as a Hero, choose a faction and lead your expeditions into the unknown in this innovative TCG set in a modern and colorful fantasy universe.
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