The Proclamation

February 29th, 2024
Reading time
368 AC
Venka stood on the porch with a suspicious look, listening to the clamor of bells and the procession of onlookers flocking towards Clover Court. After a few minutes of this racket, it became clear to him that the din was far from subsiding. He grabbed his weapon and closed the door behind him, weaving his way into the eager crowd of pedestrians.
By listening closely, he could tell that it wasn't the sound of an alarm. Rather, it was a joyful uproar, heralding a celebration. He kept a measured pace, trying to make his way without being jostled, but that didn't prevent him from accidentally receiving a few elbows or shoulders on the wat. He grumbled under his breath but didn't dwell on it. He had learned to let such annoyances slide, albeit quite belatedly and after quite a few setbacks. But don't they say better late than never?
He observed with dismay that Ekundayo Avenue was so crowded as to be impassable. He turned back to head towards Kladiver. Surely, there would be a barker there too... Arriving at Luthiers' Court, after a few detours and somewhat daring shortcuts, he limped across Spline Bridge, determined to reach the Drapers' Square. But as he was about to make his way through the throng, he saw a familiar face on the fringes of the dense crowd.
‘Nzinga!’ he bellowed to make himself heard amid the ambient hubbub.
The boatwoman turned her gaze in his direction, her silhouette swaying slightly with the ripples lapping at her boat. She pulled back her hood, revealing her ebony face and closely cropped hair while squinting her eyes.
The former soldier crouched in her direction, at the edge of the canal. His leg suddenly throbbed, and he gritted his teeth.
‘Do you know what's going on?’
‘The Basileus has spoken. Numerous criers have taken positions here and there in public squares. They're spreading the news.’
‘What news?’
‘The Quorum has adjudicated. The results have been announced regarding the Rediscovery Endeavor.’
Venka raised an eyebrow, suddenly intrigued.
‘And then? Spit it out!’
Nzinga flashed a sly smile, a mischievous spark gleaming in her black eyes.
‘Get on. Let's head to Congers’ Wharf. You'll find out for yourself.’
Venka stepped over the turquoise waters and hoisted himself unceremoniously onto the yawl, grimacing with effort. Nzinga retrieved her pole planted in the mud, muttering half-words about her passenger's clumsiness. The weathered veteran ungracefully climbed over a few crates to slump amidst bundles of fabrics.
‘Easy with the cargo!’
‘I'll be a model of delicacy,’ lied the trooper, allowing himself a smirk. Nzinga muttered her disagreement but didn't seem inclined to contradict him further.
‘I suppose the referendum was favorable?’
‘As impatient as a child.’
‘They wouldn't make such a commotion if it weren't the case.’
Nzinga pretended to pout, rolling her eyes as she plunged her pole into the sandy water. The boat set in motion, gliding on the calm waters of the lagoon.
‘You're spoiling all the fun, Venka. Do you know that?’
‘I'm often told so.’
The boatwoman maneuvered her craft with perfect skill, deftly weaving between other boats. The pole sank beneath the surface and reappeared regularly, sometimes accompanied by a lazy splash or a sucking sound. It was clear that Nzinga knew this neighborhood like the back of her hand, knew which waterways to take and which to avoid. She slipped into a narrow channel, where brick walls rose only a few centimeters from the edges of the boat.
‘Are you sure about this?’
Nzinga clicked her tongue, clearly offended, while Venka massaged his sore leg.
‘What are you carrying?’
‘So many questions... Deliveries for the Svarog Market if you must know. Including the Amorgand silks you so indiscreetly sprawled over.’
‘I hope the nobility of Kuth Kanat won't take offense.’
The yawl emerged smoothly from the alleyway, gracefully pivoting towards Gwyntewyn. They passed by a Kettrian junk, an Alcadian bragozzo, taking care to avoid the ropes of moored ships and the beams of the docks, covered with shapeless clusters of limpets, mussels, and periwinkles. Nzinga slid her barge along the bank, in the shadow that reigned beneath the spans of the docking pier. Above their heads, the wood of the dock creaked and resonated under the steps of the strollers. They could see them traipsing between the planks of the platforms.
‘I thought small crafts were prohibited on the Bagnante.’
‘Let's hope their attention will be elsewhere today.’
‘I didn't think you were capable of sneaking around.’
‘That's because you don't really know me, Venka.’
‘I've seen you quite tipsy and swearing like a sailor. I always thought a few drinks were enough to reveal someone's true personality. But nothing beats a referendum, it seems!’
‘Talk as much as you want. It wasn't me who ended up under the table that night.’
‘Are you planning to go to war?’
She nodded towards the weapon he had strapped to his belt.
‘This? One can never be too cautious, don't you think?’
‘I think you tend to seek trouble even when it's trying to elude you.’
‘I'm working on it, but progress is too slow for my taste,’ Venka grimaced.
Then, voices reached them, still slightly muffled and distorted, either by distance or a whim of the loudspeakers. Somewhere, a small brass and percussion orchestra played a lively march, preventing them from hearing clearly. But the words became increasingly understandable as they approached.
‘It has been almost twenty years since the archipelago was freed from the last Tumult Singularity; twenty years that we have lived in peace. But this hard-won comfort comes at a price, and is accompanied by a duty.’
Venka's eyes clouded suddenly at these words. His hand instinctively went to his leg and the gaping scar hidden beneath his pants. He had witnessed the emergence of that terrible Singularity when he was stationed in Caer Alcada with the rest of his garrison. He was just a young man at the time, freshly integrated into the Aegis forces.
‘We know that there are other shores, to the east and west, waiting to be explored; places where the Tumult still rages, where communities may be waiting to be freed from isolation. The legends passed down to us by the Tumult Nomads speak of cities, palaces... Oases where humans could seek refuge, enclaves where they could survive while awaiting rescue.’
Nzinga listened devoutly to the Basileus's words, her eyes closed to better hear his words through the clamor of the multitude. Venka noticed that he was clenching his fists and forced himself to relax.
‘Is it not our duty to try to reach them and offer assistance? This question was posed to you with complete transparency. We did not seek to conceal the risks of this endeavor. Yes, it will be dangerous, and yes, it will undoubtedly require painful sacrifices from each of us.’
The speaker crackled then, doubling for a few moments with a strident feedback.
Venka cracked his neck. He felt a certain nervousness creeping over him, but it was not fear or apprehension. Rather, it was an excitement that only grew with each passing minute.
‘But despite everything, many of you have spoken in favor of this initiative. You have entrusted me with your confidence. It is time for us to turn our gaze beyond our borders, to discover what the Terra Incognita holds for us. Just as we stabilized Asgartha, we can do the same with other territories. We must carry forth the radiance of the Concord, the hope that animates us, to the rest of the world.’
A smile spread across the veteran's face.
‘I can already assure you that we will not embark on this adventure blindly. Many years still separate us from the start of this expedition. Years that will serve us to prepare ourselves to the measure of the ambition we cherish. When the Expeditionary Corps created for the occasion begin their journey, their ranks will be composed of seasoned argonauts, ready to face the perils of the unknown!’
Nzinga turned to him, arms crossed and a questioning look on her face.
‘You're going to enlist, aren't you?’
Venka simply stared at the placid waters of the canal before nodding.
‘It will be a collective effort; it must be a joint endeavor! We will need the best engineers, the swiftest scouts. We will need the total investment of each Faction, in equal measure. To hope to push back the Tumult even further, we must unite, we must stand together to triumph!’
‘I have a score to settle with the Tumult.’
Nzinga smiled in turn.
‘We will be the arrow that pierces the veil of the unknown, the torch that banishes the mists of ignorance! Crowned with the confidence you have bestowed upon us, let the exploration effort begin, let our pleiads set in motion! Long live the Rediscovery! Long live the Concord!’
Above their heads, Congers’ Wharf echoed with the Basileus's cheers, the pontoon vibrating under the pounding of feet and the exultation of the crowd. Venka found himself pounding his fist on the edge of the yawl, in rhythm with the applause and drums. It had been a long time since he had felt such excitement, such fervor. The boatwoman seemed to notice this inner turmoil, but made no comment.
She merely stretched her feline figure as she looked at the opposite bank, where enthusiastic cheers rose from the ranks of spectators.
‘I think I'll need to find a new drinking companion…’
The winds whirled furiously around him, his companions struggled to advance towards what they had named the "Glow". Before them, the silhouette of their Alterer was surrounded by an unreal brightness, while Aether swirled around them in vociferous effluvia. He could almost see the ideas they carried within them, ghostly visions seeking to manifest in the world. There, stunted tree trunks intermittently merged with scales, stone, before bursting into watery sprays; further away, a mossy rock took on a rosy hue before transforming into a blazing fire as the idea of fire suddenly caused it to ignite. The Alterer did not miss this opportunity: he absorbed the idea of fire that had budded and combined it before their eyes with the idea of darkness, which he had carefully preserved since the beginning of their journey. He suddenly signaled for his detachment to spread out around him. Venka took his position, planting his shield to protect him. He could feel the power of the winds against his metal shelter, his steps sinking into the damp soil as they tried to push them back, to overturn them like a house of cards... His shield creaked under the onslaught of Aether, covering itself with iridescent enamel, flowers that bloomed before fading unexpectedly, brightly colored feathers turning into ashes, as the ideas that collided with it impregnated it, only to be chased away by others in the next instant. To his left, he saw a group advancing from another side of the hill, also harried by howling winds. Scribes unfurled long scrolls of parchment, proclaimed Edicts to influence reality and mitigate the Tumult’s fury. Taking advantage of this brief lull, their Alterer fashioned a burning arrow with the Aether he had collected, a shaft whose tip was haloed in flames that seemed made of night. He entrusted it to an archer, who eagerly nocked it to his bow. He drew his string, adjusted his aim... The arrow flew through the maelstrom, towards the anomaly. It passed inches from Venka, whistling between the gap of two shields. The young recruit he was then heard the impact more than he saw it. Suddenly, the winds reversed, pulling them towards the center of the Glow. Trees bent, clods of earth and rocks flew towards the Singularity as it imploded... There was a brief silence before the world erupted again into noise. A violent explosion flared up with renewed wrath. Venka was thrown backward, his shield ripped from his hands. He felt the bite of the Aether on his leg, as a parasitic idea took hold of his flesh and turned it into a mass of brass...
He sighed deeply. He remembered with anxiety the emergency care the Alterer had given him; the heavy operation he had to undergo to remove the contaminated tissues; the harsh convalescence that followed at the Asklepian and his retraining as a simple miller... But the terror and fear of yesteryears had now given way to a formidable determination.
Venka looked up at the young woman, and she glimpsed in him a fervor she had never had the opportunity to see before.
Yes, it was clear that he had a score to settle with the Tumult.
‘I believe so,’ he replied, almost nostalgically.
A Joint Initiative
While the Exalts will spearhead the Rediscovery Endeavor, we must not forget all those who, in their wake, will venture into Terra Incognita. Of course, the role of the Exalts will be crucial. They will pave the way, chart the course. However, the exploration forces also include thousands of other volunteers, who have trained tirelessly to ensure the success of this undertaking. Among the Axiom, the Prospectors’ Guild will be tasked with finding new Kelon deposits and other raw materials. The Muna will communicate with unknown life forms and ensure the exploration forces are well fed. The Bravos and the Ordis will be assigned to ensure the convoy's security and maintain its progress within the Tumult. The Lyra, accustomed to travel, will be of valuable assistance in surviving the wild expanses and maintaining troop morale, while the Yzmir will experiment with the strange phenomena to which the explorers will be exposed... In the end, the Exalts will not be alone. They will have the support of countless adventurers.