With the app in your hands and the first shipments on their way, we’re really thrilled to see the community finally being able to share their first experience of the game.
As the App is still in BETA, we know there is still some way to go before everything is up to the standards we set ourselves and running smoothly. In the meantime, we want to thank all of you for your feedbacks and your patience– we’re listening and already working on fixing the reported issues.
Hotfix #1 - Companion App (version 1.02)
The following fixes do not require you to update the app.
Addressed Based on the feedbacks from this weekend
Minified React Error Fix: Resolved the Minified React Error message when launching the app (if it persists, close and reopen the app)
Filter Improvements: Unique filters in My Collection and Wantlist now work correctly.
Mass Scan Fix: Issue resolved when scanning heroes already present in the collection (database error 500).
Foiler Tokens Usage: You can now use your foiler tokens on your cards.
Missing Images Fix: Some unique card images were not appearing. There may still be a few missing images, and we are working on adjusting them.
Improved Mobile Navigation: Fixed the return issue on the Universe pages in mobile view.
New Game Pages Added: Introduced the "What is Altered" and "How to Play" pages.
Starter Deck Pages Return: Starter Deck pages are now available again.
Rescan for Heroes and Foil Cards: please rescan Hero and Foil cards.
Scanning and Camera Issues on Android : we fixed the camera issue (you need to download the new APK)
Identified and In Progress
Scanning and Camera Issues on iOS : the issue is fixed as for Android but we want to wait to fix the authentication issue to submit the update to the App Store.
Authentication Issues on iOS: we are addressing issues related to app exits and other authentication problems.
Additional Notes
Tokens cannot be added to a collection, this is normal behavior.
The fact that all uniques are visible to players is not an intended behavior and should change in the coming days. More details to come.