
June 26th, 2024
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Outside of its rail network (trams, trains) and its short- and long-haul air routes (airships), the democratization of the Kelon has led to the emergence of numerous ground vehicles on the city's streets, ranging from unicycles to automobiles, including automated carriages. However, these vehicles remain seldom used, as the Asgarthan topography and infrastructure are still not well-suited for these modes of transport.
Despite recent technological advancements, maritime transport remains the most widespread means of transportation. The canals of Arkaster are crisscrossed by a myriad of vessels of all sizes, including gondolas, feluccas, and junks.
Nevertheless, the capital has equipped itself with numerous infrastructures, allowing it to extend and consolidate its influence over the rest of the Peninsula:
Wright Altiport (31)
On the rugged, grassy heights of Kemeri, the Axiom have established a mountain airfield to accommodate the numerous airships and other aerial vehicles that serve the rest of Asgartha. Numerous pits have been dug into the rock to nest these flying vehicles when they are not in service, allowing for the necessary minor maintenance operations ensuring their proper functioning. The altiport also stores all the shuttles that connect the various air terminals of Arkaster, from the central market to the Monolith, including the docks and the seafront districts. The altiport is served by a fleet of urban shuttles, an aging tram network, as well as elevators and funiculars rising from sea level to the base of the Acus.
Daedalus Terminal (19)
In addition to the Wright Altiport, dedicated to airships serving the entire Peninsula, the lower part of the city of Arkaster hosts a second air terminal, named in honor of Daedalus, Icarus’ father. This semi-circular structure, featuring aerolithe embarkation platforms and reserved for short trips, overlooks numerous maintenance docks and often crowded reception halls. Indeed, it is through this terminal that the Asgarthans can quickly reach the heights of the islands surrounding the capital, as well as the Ordis Monolith.
Train Stations
Arkaster has equipped itself with two stations serving the rest of the Peninsula. The Svarga Station (6), located in the west, is primarily dedicated to freight transport. The Thule Station (7), in the east, is allocated to passenger transport. The first station, built during the reign of Kaja ruun-Aksoy, was crucial for the mutual development of the capital and its Provinces, enabling the supply of equipment and seasonal labor on one hand, and essential resources for the city's survival on the other. The second, more recent station, was established simultaneously with the Kabatas district, aiming to create a new economic hub for the city.
Arkaster is traversed by seven tram lines that grid the city and serve both the Terraferma and the lakefront districts. This rail network is complemented by eight funiculars, lines 1a to 8, which ascend to the plateaus overlooking the city, sometimes climbing along dizzying cliffs. The entire network was recently converted to Kelon by the Axiom, allowing Gripmen to work alone. This decision has doubled the number of trams operating in the capital and streamlined passenger flows. The trams are topped with large Kelon engines and tanks to store the energy resource.
The Metropolitan Transport Network
The MTN is the organization responsible for managing the capital's transport lines. It oversees the maintenance of railways, rail infrastructure, runways, and takeoff platforms, as well as coordinating and managing the logistics of all public transport vehicles: trains, trams, airships, and other aircrafts, with the exception of everything related to maritime transport.
The Talaria
The postal and delivery services are handled by the Talaria, a guild of messengers and couriers. They can often be seen swiftly traversing the streets and rooftops of the city, adept at parkour, leaping from building to building, utilizing chimneys, walls, beams, and other vantage points to optimize their routes. They know the city intimately: its alleys, corners, market days, festive occasions, and places to avoid at certain times. Customers can call them to their homes or drop letters and parcels at various offices scattered throughout the city. The Talaria also ensures delivery of mail to the farthest reaches of the Peninsula, where communication networks are rudimentary. In the wild expanses, urban acrobats are replaced by seasoned heralds who are accustomed to navigating any climate or terrain.
Founded by Hermagoras Whittle in 294 AC with the aim of ensuring the population's access to essential goods, Cornucoopia groceries have since become commonplace in every district of Arkaster. Initially focused on transporting essential resources from the Peninsula's Provinces to urban centers—primarily fruits, vegetables, condiments, spices, and meats—the Cornucoopia stores later diversified to include processed products from the Athanor: soaps, clothing, and even some alchemical remedies. About fifteen years ago, Cornucoopia began offering a supplementary dining service, featuring bakery and grilling sections, aiming to provide high-quality street food. The emblem of the brand is a stylized cornucopia.
The Stata Mater
This intervention brigade, which includes several Alterers, has the important task of controlling fires and extinguishing any that may break out within the capital. Divided into nine divisions, each with its own dedicated station, it covers the entire urban territory. A tenth division of firefighters has recently been created to support the Expeditionary Corps.
The Arkaster Echo
This newspaper, now nearly fifty years old (founded by Fabia Velasquia in 346 AC alongside the democratization of printing), is primarily distributed in train stations, main squares of the city, and Cornucoopia stores. The tri-weekly gazette is published on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays. The Echo employs nearly two hundred sworn journalists, supplemented by correspondents on each peninsula or island of the Asgarthan Peninsula. Fabia's daughter, Vera, recently announced to the population that she would join the Expeditionary Corps to document the Rediscovery Endeavor.
The Isura
It is this guild that, in addition to serving as the central bank, mints the currency of Asgartha: the Floret. Defined by its weight in Kelon, this currency serves as the means of payment and exchange among the Asgarthans. Every Asgarthan receives monthly compensation from the Republic for mandatory civic engagement: voting, participating in deliberations, organizing debates, staying informed, and other essential tasks perceived as necessary by the authorities of the Asterion. This compensation ultimately amounts to a minimum income and is administered, recorded, and distributed by the Isura. Any additional work is also rewarded by the Isura with fixed hourly sums. Whenever a guild or other corporation declares the active assistance of a citizen, they are credited proportionally based on their contribution.
The Urban Sanitation Guild
The USG is responsible for street cleaning, waste collection, and maintaining the city's sewer system.
The ATTROG, Asgarthan Telephone, Telegraph and Radio Operating Guild
Operators of this guild manage Arkaster's fixed telephone network, telegraph lines connecting to the other Provinces of the Peninsula, and oversee radio communications. These networks are still in their infancy, primarily serving essential sectors. Indeed, Asgartha's limited resources, particularly in minerals, currently restrict widespread access to these services in every household.