Rin & Orchid

Rin & Orchid
Effet principal
Lorsqu'une de vos Expéditions avance grâce à — Piochez une carte, puis mettez une carte de votre main en Réserve.
Cartes Altérées
Règlement & Clarifications
10/07/2024 10:37
Question : If my Hero and Companion Expedition both move forward due to , what happens?
Réponse : Your Expeditions progress simultaneously, and you then resolve the effects in the order of your choice. (You draw a card, put a card in Reserve, then you draw a 2nd card and put a 2nd card in Reserve.)
05/02/2024 10:37
Question : If I move forward due to winning in and statistics, does it activate the effect of Rin & Orchid?
Réponse : Yes! You move forward due to every statistic where you have more than your opponent, if you were in that Region type.