about 8 hours ago5 minutes
Gericht vaan-Brasht
During the paranoid reign of Ayxas, the Mad Kuningas sought to crush any groups that could threaten his sovereignty.
1 day ago3 minutes
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7 days ago6 minutes
Twin Suns
I insert the hefty cartridge into the flare gun and snap it shut with a flick of my wrist. Raising my arm, I fire toward the sky as the scent of gunpowder spreads through the air.
8 days ago4 minutes
Meet the Team #1 : Justin
I’ve been a lover of TCGs since 1998, and have played nonstop for over 25 years. After working with a huge TCG retailer for 10 years, I wanted to move over to the designing and publishing side of the industry.
Explore the Unexpected
Play as a Hero, choose a faction and lead your expeditions into the unknown in this innovative TCG set in a modern and colorful fantasy universe.
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