Jeanne d'Arc

Jeanne d'Arc
Altered Cards
Rulings & Clarification
2/1/2024, 10:37 AM
Question : What happens if Jeanne d'Arc moves from an Expedition to another, because of Hooked for example?
Answer : Nothing special! The Expedition zone includes all the expeditions from all players, so Jeanne d'Arc does not leave the Expedition zone.
7/10/2024, 10:37 AM
Question : What happens when Jeanne d'Arc goes to Reserve at Night?
Answer : 1. During Rest, your card of Jeanne d'Arc goes to Reserve along with all your (non-Anchored, non-Asleep, etc...) Characters.
2. This triggers her effect 3. Once you've finished resolving step 1, you resolve the effect, creating two Ordis Recruit tokens.
4. Since your Characters already left, the tokens don't go to Reserve until next turn (at which point they will be removed from the game, being tokens).