Meet the Community #11 : Pierre

June 2nd, 2024
Reading time
Tell us your story with "Altered". How did you discover the game and why did it appeal to you?
It was love at first sight with Altered! It happened thanks to a game presentation video by Orpho, released in early September 2023. In a short time, the entire game and its strengths were summarised: Régis leading the project, a glimpse of the rules that promised to be ultra-dynamic and accessible, an overview of the QR codes and all the possibilities offered by the related application, the foilers, the lore, the illustrations, the unique cards! The reasons to be completely convinced by the game just kept coming, and 10 minutes later, I was already on the official Discord, super excited to dive into a new passion that has lasted (and grown) since that day.
What have you done in the community?
Have you ever heard of Triny & Tlat? They are two very good friends of mine; I hope we can cross paths in the Tumult one day or another... More seriously, my biggest crush related to Altered is the community! I've been quite active on the official Discord, especially before the Kickstarter. I've had the pleasure of participating in the Kickstarter launch party, where the passion for the game was really palpable and contagious. It was a great opportunity to meet other players and Equinox team members! All this enthusiasm, both virtual and in person, really convinced me of Altered's potential and the importance of developing its community. I followed the wave of hype after the Kickstarter launch and started the Discord for my city, Lyon, to start gathering as many players as possible and create a local community. I strongly recommend you do the same! The passion for a game that hasn't even been released yet is already present, and now more than ever, Altered is a game that will truly thrive with its community! Make connections, have fun, and talk about Altered around you; we are on the verge of an amazing TCG. Beyond the social aspect, I've also dabbled a bit in competition. I managed to win the very first tournament on the official Discord when we were only 16 participants gathered as soon as we could access the game rules. More recently, I also won the "Beyond the Borders of Asgartha" tournament organized by the French Discord; this time we were 128, and I was able to go through this initiatory exploration to the end!
What is your favorite card and faction? Why?
I was initially drawn to Ordis, with its charismatic character illustrations and intriguing bureaucrats. However, as soon as the Print&Play arrived, I found myself much less in Sigismar's gameplay. Fortunately, Ordis is not limited to Sigismar, and I am extremely eager to play Waru & Mack, especially now that we know a lot more about the bureaucrats. But despite everything, my favorite was the gameplay of the Axiom faction. I'm not an engineer at heart, but I was still seduced by its three exciting heroes and its very diversified pool of cards that totally corresponded to my way of playing. My favorite card is undoubtedly the Brassbug Hive (Rare preferably!). It's a very powerful card that can quickly overwhelm the opponent. I only played Sierra during the French Discord tournament, and my Brassbug Hive never disappointed me!
What are you looking forward to in the future of the game?
I am really confident in the future of the game. I think all the elements are in place for the game to be a success and to quickly find its audience. Whether it's for the gameplay, the collection, the lore, or even the amazing community, there will be something for everyone! I am really looking forward to participating in the first Expeditions and Confluences and sharing this Altered passion with as many players as possible. Looking forward to seeing you on Discord (piar0), in Lyon, or somewhere in the Tumult!