Apothéose de l'Esprit

Apothéose de l'Esprit





Effet principal

Fugace. (Envoyez-moi à la Défausse plutôt qu'en Réserve après résolution de mon effet.)
Révélez les quatre premières cartes de votre deck. Choisissez jusqu'à deux Personnages parmi ces cartes et mettez-les dans vos Expéditions. Ils gagnent Fugace. Défaussez les autres cartes. (N'activez pas de capacités .)

Cartes Altérées

Règlement & Clarifications

06/09/2024 10:37

Question : Did the wording of this card change?

Réponse : The first printing of Mind Apotheosis said "(Don't activate any triggers.)". Future printings will say "(Don't activate any abilities.)"

20/06/2024 10:37

Question : Do the abilities of the Characters put in play by Mind Apotheosis activate?

Réponse : The arrow means "when I enter the Expedition zone or Landmark zone" (the player aids in starter decks simplify this into "When I'm played from anywhere"). In the case of Mind Apotheosis, cards are not played but put in the Expedition, but they do trigger their abilities.

28/08/2024 10:37

Question : What does "put in the Expedition" means?

Réponse : It means the cards are not considered "played" and therefore won't trigger effects such as "Atsadi & Surge" or "Auraq & Kibble".